
When most people hear the word, “Anaheim,” immediately they begin to think of Donald Duck, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and little else. But “Anaheim” has its own very specific connotations to Vanguard, and to many other product and materials manufacturers, assemblers, and distributors: namely, the MD & M Show, to be held this year at the Anaheim Convention Center from February 14 – 16. MD & M is the largest annual manufacturing showcase of its kind in California, and this year will doubtless prove to be no exception.

One of the key markets we’re hoping to connect with at MD & M is the medical diagnostic industry. The silicone tubing and EMIshielding gaskets we provide at Vanguard are vital to any number of high-performance pieces of medical equipment. As an example, without high-quality EMI gaskets shielding infant respiration monitors, those monitors encounter too much outside interference to register correctly.

Another such example is our ability to take a custom-molded silicone product, tweak it as is necessary, and thereby adapt it into an extruded/bonded product. Being templates, extrusions are much easier to fabricate than moldings, and are a far more cost-effective option for medical institutions to adopt.

Another reason we’re going to MD & M is for the cross-pollination factor of the event. Happening simultaneously right across the way from MD & M is Aerocon, the single largest conference and material showcase on the West Coast for the aerospace and defense industries. Just as medical monitoring equipment often requires a high-speed processor to help itself run, so do aerospace/defense applications. EMI shielding technology is essential for many types of applications from both types of industry. In short, we hope to meet, greet, and do business with representatives from both of these leading and innovative fields.

2012 is shaping up to be a significant year for American manufacturing. Statistics seem to indicate that manufacturing is recovering faster than other sectors of the US economy. We’re looking forward to MD & M (and to Aerocon) in seeing what the future has to offer. Here’s to finding great minds that think alike.

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