Electronic devices and some natural weather phenomena release fields of electromagnetic interference (EMI) that can disrupt the devices’ ability to function. Governments place limits on how much EMI a device can emit or receive because EMI can cause problems like signal strength loss and malfunctions. EMI shielding is necessary to reduce or eliminate this interference and allow electronic devices to work correctly. Read on to discover why EMI shielding is important, common EMI shielding techniques, and where to find the best type of shielding for your application.

Why Is EMI Shielding Important?

Electromagnetic interference comes from both natural and manmade sources. It is imperative for devices to be protected from EMI not only from other devices but within themselves. EMI shielding is usually achieved using an enclosure made from conductive metal like steel or aluminum or by plating or painting a non-conductive material like plastic with a conductive media. These materials form a Faraday Cage around the emitting device limiting or eliminating the EMI from emanating from the enclosure. Adding an EMI shielding gasket is critical in completing the conductive path necessary for achieving the Faraday Cage. Without the completion of the Faraday Cage, EMI can actually be amplified causing even more issues.

Without electromagnetic shielding material, most electronic devices will not work properly. For example, a wifi router emits a signal for devices in the surrounding area to connect and stream data. If there is another device with inadequate EMI shielding in the same area, regardless of frequency, the signal from the router can actually interfere with the proper performance of the device or the device’s antenna system and cause the router to lose functionality. This can cause any number of malfunctions in both systems.

EMI electronic shielding is critical in these applications:

  • Military electronics
  • Medical devices
  • Communications equipment
  • Automotive control systems
  • Computers

Common EMI Shielding Tools & Techniques

The main purpose of EMI protection is to prevent interference in electronic devices so that they can function properly. However, the type of shielding will look different depending on the design and type of device. Some of the most common techniques for EMI shielding include:

  • Electrical enclosure boxes
  • Conductive metal enclosures
  • EMI shielding gaskets
  • Conductive spray coatings of copper or nickel
  • Electronic filter circuits
  • Ferrites
  • EMI mitigation techniques, such as moving the device away from other devices, changing the direction it is facing, or putting a wall between devices

EMI Shielding Products From Vanguard Products

Whether natural or manmade, electromagnetic interference can impede the ability of electronic devices to work, which can have disastrous consequences in emergency or mission-critical operations in the aerospace and military sectors. Avoid the malfunctions and system failures of poor EMI shielding and have your project evaluated by a team of experts that can find the best solution for your project.

Vanguard Products Corporation manufactures EMI shielding materials and products to serve the needs of many applications. Learn more about our Ultra-Vanshield Dual Function EMI Shielding/Weather Sealing gaskets, our Mil-Spec M83528 EMI/RFI shielding gaskets for military, medical, avionics, communications, and other devices. If you need temperature control with your EMI shielding, we have a wide selection of thermal interface materials. We can also custom-make fabricated EMI/RFI shielding products to meet your specific needs. Request a consultation today, or contact us for further information about our EMI shielding products and capabilities.

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