Aging Population Prompts Portable Medical Device Development

As the US faces a growing population of older adults and lifestyle choices catch up with us, the need for complex, portable healthcare systems becomes more apparent. Smaller respirators, ultra-portable CPAP machines, therapeutic electrical muscular stimulation, ultra-portable ultrasound machines, electronic diabetes monitoring systems, and other products are all increasing in demand. Throughout our lives, but […]

How to Protect Sensitive Equipment from Solar Flares

Natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires have been causing unimaginable destruction across the country. But there is another phenomenon that has the potential to cause immeasurable damage to modern infrastructure – coronal mass ejections and solar flares. The sun is millions of kilometres away from the earth – yet disturbances on its volatile surface […]

Protecting Advanced Law Enforcement Equipment

Today’s law enforcement agencies make use of a variety of high-tech equipment on a day-to-day basis. In addition to the well-known equipment officers carry, they also make use of electrical devices such as body cameras, breathalyzers, communications equipment, emergency respirators, and thermal imaging cameras, among many others. In critical law enforcement scenarios, this electrical equipment […]

How Manufacturers Are Leading the Green Revolution

There’s a common understanding that alternative sources of power benefit people and the world around us. Fossil fuels and coal are losing favor among consumers, who are looking for cleaner energy options that reduce the amount of air pollution and other contamination.  Drive down any road, now, and you are likely to see many homes […]

Monitoring Air Quality During Summer Months

As summer officially begins, many people are rushing to get their air conditioners ready for the rising temperatures. But heat isn’t the only thing we have to look forward to this season – poor air quality is also a concern. While pollutants are a daily force to content with, they tend to get worse during […]

Robotics Design: What Are the Biggest Challenges and Opportunities?

The field of robotics design is advancing quickly, and the possibilities for the future are exciting, albeit not without its share of challenges. Innovations in Robotics Though industrial robotics have been around for decades, advances in robotic programming, design and construction have opened applications in less obvious areas.  Robots are showing up in applications as […]

It Really Is A Small World After All

One of the challenges commonly encountered by an engineered products company of our size is adequately supporting our customers around the globe.  This has become more of an issue over the past couple of years as many companies work on a single project simultaneously in multiple locations.  It is not unusual now for an engineering […]

How 5G Wireless Technology Will Power Our Future

4G versus 5G To begin with, 4G and 5G don’t actually stand for any specific definition of capabilities – they merely stand for 4th Generation and 5th Generation wireless technology. They do, however, require that certain standards be met to use the branding. 4G is actually a combination of two standards, with LTE Advanced being […]

Vanguard Products Achieves ISO 9001:2015 Status

Since its inception and implementation in 1992, the ISO 9000 standard has been the most globally recognized and utilized quality standard. ( History And Improvements Of ISO 9000) The standard has had many evolutions since its beginnings as the BS 2570 standard, but the overall goal has been consistent:  to ensure the quality of an […]

Understanding the Importance of EMI Shielding in Medical Devices

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) are disturbances generated internally or externally that affect electrical circuits through induction.  They can affect all types of electrical equipment and can come from both natural and man-made sources. The disturbance can cause equipment to malfunction or even stop working. In everyday life, EMI isn’t a problem that requires us to be […]